This week has been a week of growth . . . constantly stretching. I became the 'Senior Companion' of my area. It's the same area I have been serving in, since the start. This time, we have moved into an apartment in Sandnes in order to be closer to our area and to cut all the travel. Our apartment is really nice, Norway always has modern interiors. It has still been an adjustment!! My companion is a really tall Norwegian guy, we speak much more Norwegian on the streets . . . and in church on Sunday, I practically understood all of the meetings! I also have started "scarring my R's" (something the West does when speaking Norwegian, and my French has helped me to already have the "scarred R" - I just sound like a French kid trying to speak Norwegian!). It's a lot of fun!
So this week, we contacted a lot more people on the streets. I feel more comfortable doing it! I have a lot more confidence than I originally had. It has been special for me to experience. Not all of our investigators met with us this week; made it a little difficult - but we still filled our time. Saturday night, we were able to stay up late because of the celebration of the days being so long (Santa Hans). We were able to hang out with the members and build relationships with the youth. I am completely in love with Stavanger, the people, the ward - everything about it will make it a difficult day when I get transferred to a different area. When I was in the MTC - I looked at the map, heard that the West scarred their R's, and that Stavanger was a pretty warm place - I said that this is where I wanted to serve . . . and here I've been! This whole mission experience has helped me to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have faith in Christ, I know that God really is there for us. He is our loving Heavenly Father. He knows us as His individual children. He knows our concerns, and He knows what we need most. When we exercise Faith in Him, real faith, we will receive miracles.