A lot of our focus was on getting our investigator prepared for baptism, but as the week unfolded . . .we were still able to meet new people and to share the gospel. I have found that I can now full conversations in Norwegian, confidently. It's definitely a miracle, but I can do it! The Lord has really blessed me and I feel confident in doing His will here on the Earth. In the past week we were able to meet with a 24-year old single mother. She grew up in a family of 13 siblings and in a very religious family (there is a Lutheran-associated sect who are very conservative and have many children up here). We met her while knocking a few weeks ago and finally were able to meet with her. She was a very nice woman - works as a chef here in Alta. As we began to talk about the gospel, she became more engaged. She was a little surprised that people like us would talk about things the way we would. How families are a blessing that God has given us. How we believe our prayers can be answered today. I found a scripture that I wanted to share with her - it was in Alma 56:47-48 from the Book of Mormon. It was when the 2000 Strippling Warriors told their leader that they would fight, trusting in God, because they saw the example their mothers made. I asked her if she recognized the importance of her responsibility as a mother. How it was with the help of my own mother that I have been able to trust in God in faith that serving a mission was something I needed to do. The example of a mother is so important. She has the opportunity to really help her son. So we asked her to pray with her son. It was an experience for myself that allowed me to learn and grow by teaching it.
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